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Network Camera, SMART IP VIDEO

Chubb installs DriveCam in there response cars

DriveCam is an in-vehicle video camera that records erratic driving incidents in the form of 12-second clips which are transmitted to fleet controllers via Wi-Fi. The DriveCam event recorder, which links to driver-profiling software, has been proven to dramatically reduce collisions while enhancing driver skills; improving fuel consumption and providing evidence in third-party insurance claims. In addition, it is a coaching tool designed to bring the best out of drivers using a synthesis of technology and psychology.

According to Neville Rothfusz, managing director, Monitoring and Response at Chubb Security, DriveCam will allow Chubb to monitor a response vehicle both inside and outside the vehicle when a risky driving event occurs. Chubb Security already has a strict policy in place that ensures that all armed response personnel go through rigorous testing before driving.

“The camera is not a surveillance tool because it does not record constantly, but by exception, showing eight seconds before the event occurred and four seconds after, providing an account of what happened,” said Rothfusz. “By installing the system we will be able to identify any of our ROs’ weak points and rectify them.”



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